Daukiya hospital made its humble beginning about 8 years back. Over the years, it has transformed itself into a hospital providing comprehensive health solution comparable to the best hospitals in india. Daukiya hospital team comprises physicians, surgeons and other healthcare professionals of the highest calibre and experience.
We are committed to achieve patient satisfaction by providing our services, at reasonable cost, on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Our hospitals have state-of-the-art infrastructure, large spectrum of clinical services, highly experienced and qualified professionals, dedicated staff and a patient friendly organizational culture.
In the eight short years since its inception, Daukiya hospital has grown from a 40 bed specialty hospital to a 100 bed super-specialty tertiary care health centre. With extensive facilities comprising 06 modern operating theatres, 20 equipped intensive-care beds,moderan labour room , a fully digital radiology department, Daukiya hospital offers a total and comprehensive health solution comparable to the best hospitals in the world.